Banksy Farm Version DAO Sneak Peak
What is coming next…

The Banksy Farm team is always looking ways to bring more value to the community.
So after the AVAX and FTM releases, it is time to announce the changes that will be seen in version 2 of the platform.
So after the AVAX and FTM releases, it is time to announce the changes that will be seen in version 2 of the platform.
The changes we will see will be:
New and improved MasterChef with Native NFT boosting
Until now, we only boosted walls.
From now on, also in our pools/farms you will be able to boost what you have deposited.
This way, whoever owns NFTs will be able to have a bigger reward.
Harvest Lockup
With this feature you will be able to maintain higher prices and APRs for a longer period of time.
Although it is a controversial feature, it is useful in the first hours after the farming starts.
The way it will be used will be communicated as it is defined.
Experience Farming
From now on, every time a farming is boosted with NFT, you will also get more experience.
This way, the more you use it, the more useful it will become.
More and more strategies and BanksyFarm’s specific strategies are coming to our Snapshot Space.
NFT are the backbone of the DAO, so keep collecting them!!
Coming next is our own Project Launch Pad. In here you’ll see a pick of the best projects available for the community to invest in a preferred way.
The team will be curating projects with great potential so the community can review and invest.
How to get in contact
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